Directions PDF:

Part I:  Finding a Bill

  1. Go to the following website:
  2. On the Left side of the blue column click on the “Current Legislative Session”
  3. On the left side of the blue column Click on “Bills” then “Subject Index”
  4. Click on the subject of your choice
  5. The following webpage will list ALL of the bills (based on your topic) for the 2010 session.  Please Choose 1 bill.
    1. I suggest that you do a series of searches in order to find a bill that best suites this assignment and one that you are interested in. 
    2. Your bill does not need to have become law but try to find one that has had a lot of action on the House or Senate floors. 


  1. When you click on a Bill (Bills are titled by the Branch they were started in and an identification code ex. SB 125 Senate or HB 125 House. 


Part II. 

Researching YOUR Bill


  1. You have now found a bill!  Yeah!
  2. Please read through the wording of the bill and research the action done to your bill. 
  3. To read more about your bill click on the PDF file on under “Bill Text Versions”


     Part III.

     Creating your Project:

  1. You are to pretend that you are a local newspaper reporter.
  2. Your editor has asked you to write a 2.5 page summary about the following:
    1. Summarize your bill and how it will impact South Dakotans.           15 pts


    1. Identify 2 pros and 2 cons about the bill.                                           10 pts



    1. Track the action of your bill from its ‘first reading’ to the day in which it was signed into office or it was defeated.                                          10 pts


    1. Tell the editor your personal opinion about the bill.                           10 pts
    2. ***VOICE: Should read and look like a newspaper article!!!

      *A font comparable to Times New Roman 12--- Double Spaced----




This Project is worth 45 point